Services Services of Dilinos Law


Cyprus, as a member of the European Union is directly affected by the rules and regulations that govern the European Internal Market.

European Court of Human Rights

The most important difference between the protection of fundamental rights guaranteed by the ECHR and the corresponding protection from other international texts is due to the presence of a Supranational Court, the Court of the ECtHR, also known as the "Strasbourg Court".

Appeals to the ECtHR is directed only against a State party to the ECHR and may be brought both by the other States parties to the ECHR and by individuals ("individual" appeal under Article 34 of the ECHR).

To have the right to register an Appeal with the ECtHR and to initiate its trial, all national remedies must first have been exhausted. That is, the applicant must have first appealed to the National Courts as well as the Supreme Court of Cyprus, and only then, and within a time frame of 4 months (after the 1.2.2022) an applicant is allowed to register an appeal with the ECtHR.

DILINOS & ASSOCIATES LLC can lead cases at the European Court of Human Rights in cooperation with lawyers who are specialized in handling such cases.
We handle cases which violate the property rights of our clients, protected by Article 23 of the Constitution and Article 1 of the First Additional Protocol to the European Convention on Human Rights ratified by Law 39/1962.